Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Have ever spared a ZombieThought for TheShapeOfThings? How they attract us, lure us arouse us? How shape of Men&Women maketh us love everything attached to their body? Err...Love? Not exactly so. I have this DarkSecret desire to actually analyse more than love the HumanBody and understand the degree of fanaticism each exhibit in bed due to our "ShapeOfThings". Lovemakin' is but a documentation,not of a Relatiotionship but of SellotapedAudaciousAnalyticalInstinct which has nothing to do with DutiesDinnerdatesBabies,et al. The understanding of the HumanShapes is what Sex is all about. And it is NOT in the paradigm of Love. Well, according to me. How many of us Think of BreastsButtocksGenitila as SkilledArtfulCreations? Yes,I guessed as many. Now, how many of us really observe the BeautyOf"SuchThings" while naked, perfecting our analysis? How many of us would want to just SmellSkin of the partner and think of ways to preserve it? Many would arouse laughter.

ThePerfume&ShapeOfHumanThings is what I want to Sense. Lot remains unexplained. I am still trying to uncover.