Saturday, July 28, 2007

That Thing, This Thing, Let not Everything.

The Thing is asleep. Comfortably wrapped in Her bedsheet , trickling in parts into the cotton bottom of the mattress It is silent, refuses to be awakened. She cannot sleep in the same bed, It causes Her to sleep with it. Hence awake. 2:17am Spirit calling. Spirit & Thing once were the Same. Spirit believed in Thing and She suffered. The count is not important here. Many times is enough to know. Spirit can thwart Thing but won't. She realizes Her reminiscent belief when It gently rummages the strands of her flowing raven hair whilst in bed in the Afternoon. Noons are safe, there's no Grim Fate in them. Nights want to eat.Early Mornings too. They bring lot of disomfort. Thing has to Arrive. Spirit has to Sleep with it for a Night, caress It , causing to wake up anon sans the Decadence which Thing is popular with. She can't remain nocturnal, it's not Her nature, she has to Win Thing, Reunite again. Wake Thing before It soaks the matress with Grim Serum.Nudge Spirit to share the bed with Thing before she bleeds her heart dry, emptying the clandestine Affection for Thing.She believed in It not Once but...anyway the count is not important here. Many times is enough to know.

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